Facebook Releases New Logo – Most People Probably Didn’t even Notice
Most of the time, when social media giant Facebook makes a change it is pretty darn significant. You might remember when they switched up the News Feed feature and updated the messaging application. These were big shifts in their interface and it changed the way people use the application. More importantly, it caused a big stir among users who, as should be expected, found it somewhat difficult to make such a drastic change. So it may seem a little odd that Facebook recently made a change that many people probably did not even notice. This change was to their logo. They just made it simpler and friendlier, on Wednesday. The new logo is actually a combination of typesets specifically chosen to accomplish the company’s goal of being more approachable. For example, they have retained their “favicon” typeset characterized more notably by the “f” they use in their logo. However, the ‘a’ in the word facebook is rounder and thinner than before, whic...